@misc{Jaremczuk_Kazimierz_Cultural, author={Jaremczuk, Kazimierz and Mazurkiewicz, Anna and Molter, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={This article is focused on the culture?s influence on the employees' career. The career itself has been interpreted with a particular emphasis on its contemporary understanding. The issue of values internalization has been focused on. To organizational culture?s importance in the career development has been given consideration here - a career in the subjective perspective i.e. identification with a professional group, as well as perceived from both organization?s and the environment's perspective as well. In particular, the problem regards organizational culture as a derivative of the employees' environmental cultures.}, title={Cultural determinants of attitudes toward career = Kulturowe uwarunkowania postaw wobec kariery zawodowej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kariera zawodowa, kultura organizacyjna, nowy typ kariery, career, organizational culture, new type of career}, }