@misc{Bieńkowska_Agnieszka_Controlling, author={Bieńkowska, Agnieszka and Zabłocka-Kluczka, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The article contains the characterisation of the issue and features of a networking organisation. In the context of a specific manner of cooperation among organisations-partners in the network there has been indicated a great need for coordination of activities of particular entities for the purpose of meeting the arranged objectives and controlling has been proposed as a method supporting effective networking organisation management.}, abstract={The article presents the evolution of the concept of controlling from strategic controlling, to partnership-based controlling towards controlling in networking organisations. The concept and tasks of controlling in networking organisations (networking controlling) have been defined. There has been presented an outline or functional, organisational and instrumental solutions.}, title={Controlling in networking organisations - the concept and assumptions = Controlling w organizacjach sieciowych - koncepcja i założenia}, type={artykuł}, keywords={controlling, organizacja sieciowa, sieć współpracy, networking organisation, network of cooperation}, }