@misc{Sobotkiewicz_Dariusz_Reallocation, author={Sobotkiewicz, Dariusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={This elaboration discusses organic functions problem with respect to changes of their distribution based on an example of a domestic subsidiary that is a part of a holding. The theoretical part shows that the evolution of organizational structure and the change in the perception of the role of subsidiaries in the entire holding affect the reallocation of organic functions.}, abstract={The empirical part looks closely at the attempt to identify the changes that took place in organic functions placement at the level of a subsidiary as well as recognition how the changes affected organizational structure transformation. The elaboration ends with a summary in which the main findings of research are presented.}, title={Reallocation of organic functions on the example of domestic subsidiary - a case study = Realokacja funkcji organicznych na przykładzie krajowej spółki zależnej - studium przypadku}, type={artykuł}, keywords={spółka zależna, jednostka zależna, jednostka nadrzędna, funkcje organiczne, subfunkcje, rozmieszczenie funkcji, parent institution, subsidiary, organic functions, subfunctions, distribution of functions}, }