@misc{Bratnicka_Katarzyna_Creativity, author={Bratnicka, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={Juxtaposing the important insights of previous multilevel research, the following overarching question emerges as the central concern of this article: How do emergent processes and top- management initiatives affect the impact of organizational creativity on organizational effectiveness? To shed light on this question, I direct attention to bottom- up emergent processes and top down management initiatives, which, I argue, offers important opportunities for the genesis of additional creativity effects.}, abstract={In all, the purpose of this article has been to address to recent theories and debates about the nature of organizational creativity and to highlight the crude beginnings of an alternative, multilevel approach. I explore how the dimensions of organizational creativity generated through emergent processes and top management initiatives plays a significant role in the leveraging organizational effectiveness.}, title={Creativity and effectiveness in organizations. A new approach to an old question = Twórczość i efektywność w organizacjach. Nowe podejście do starego pytania}, type={artykuł}, keywords={twórczość organizacyjna, efektywność organizacyjna, procesy emergencji, kształtowanie zasobów, kadra zarządzająca, organizational creativity, multilevel approach, emergent processes, creative resourcing, manager}, }