@misc{Stankiewicz_Janina_Aid, author={Stankiewicz, Janina and Bortnowska, Hanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The negative consequences of the economic downturn started in 2008 in the USA affected many countries, including - Poland. In many organizations, it was necessary to carry out the redundancies, and these ones, if they were implemented in an unethical way, usually intensified dysfunctional processes within the companies.}, abstract={"The historic symbolism" is based on the parallel between the sacra history and the description of human deeds composing its fulfilment in accordance with the belief about the hidden sense of the history, known to the Creator himself. It was in the books of Vita Christi [et] La Vengeance, that the bigotry, history and politics entangled with one another with bonds of complicated relations, speaking collectively with the language of art.}, title={Aid measures for the unemployed and their assessment (in the light of the research results) = Działania pomocowe bezrobotnym i ich ocena (w świetle wyników badań)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={spowolnienie gospodarcze, zwolnienia pracownicze, outplacement, economic downturn, redundancies}, }