@misc{Karsznia_Krzysztof_Koncepcja, author={Karsznia, Krzysztof and Podawca, Konrad}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Monitoring of structures and other different field objects undoubtedly belongs to the main issues of modern engineering. The use of technologies making it possible to implement structural monitoring makes it possible to build an integrated risk management approach combining instrumental solutions with geoinformation systems.}, abstract={In the studies of engineering structures, there is physical monitoring mainly used for examining the physical state of the object - so-called SHM ("Structural Health Monitoring"). However, very important role is also played by geodetic monitoring systems (GMS). The progress observed in the field of IT and automatics has opened new possibilities of using integrated systems on other, often large-scale objects.}, abstract={Based on the current state-of-the-art, the article presents the concept of integration approaches of physical and geodetic monitoring systems in order to develop useful guidelines for further construction of an expert risk management system.}, title={Koncepcja zastosowania technologii światłowodowej w geodezyjnym monitoringu obiektów inżynierskich = An application concept of the fibre-optical technology in geodetic monitoring of engineering objects}, type={artykuł}, keywords={monitoring geodezyjny, monitoring fizykalny, systemy geoinformacyjne, baza danych, geodetic monitoring, physical monitoring, geoinformation systems, database}, }