@misc{Koniuszy-Nycz_Justyna_Ocena, author={Koniuszy-Nycz, Justyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The purpose of the study was to evaluate the total content, leachability and bioavailability of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb, Ni, Co in industrial ashes obtained from biomass combustion. It was found that metals occur in the test material as: macronutrient - iron (0,67 %), micronutrients - zinc (335,0 mg/kg), nickel (145,0 mg/kg), lead (110,0 mg/kg), copper (100,0 mg/kg), cobalt (25,0 mg/kg), chrome (15 mg/kg) and trace amount of cadmium (10,0 mg/kg).}, abstract={It was claimed that leachability of metals from ash depends on pH of solution and ranges from 1 mg/kg for (Cu, Cd, Ni, Fe) to 4-5 mg/kg for (Cr, Co) respectively. It was also found that lead was not extracted from ash, using water as extractant regardless of solution pH. In all experiments no regularities in the pH effect of metal leachability in the investigated systems were observed. Tessier sequential extraction procedure was used to evaluate the mobility and bioavailability of metals, which was carried out conventionally and with aid of microwave digestion.}, abstract={In all experiments the following metal fractions were characterized: water-soluble, exchangeable, acid-soluble, oxide, pseudosulfide and residual fractions respectively. It has been found that the use of microwave mineralization during sequential extraction increases the efficiency of the release of most of the tested metals.}, title={Ocena wymywalności i biodostępności metali ciężkich w popiele przemysłowym z biomasy = Evaluation of leaching and bioavailability of heavy metals from industrial biomass ashes}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ekstrakcja sekwencyjna, popiół z biomasy, frakcjonowanie, ashes from biomass, sequential extraction, fractionation}, }