@misc{Bartkowiak_Przemysław_Oddźwięk, author={Bartkowiak, Przemysław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={On Ocrober 16, 1978, from Vatican came the news that Cardinal Karol Wojtyła - a Pole, archbishopof Cracow - had been elected pope. The news spread rapidly across the country and filied the hearts of most Poles with joy and national pride in having a countryman on the throne of the Holy See.}, abstract={The presented activities on the part of the secret police show how the Polish society was spied on, how all the positive and negative opinions- with regard to the etment events - were duly recorded.}, title={Oddźwięk wyboru Polaka na papieża w 1978 roku w świetle materiałów SB i PZPR na ziemi lubuskiej = The choise of a Polish Pope in 1978 as reflected in the records by the secret police and the Polish United Workers' Party in the province of Ziemia Lubuska}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Ziemia Lubuska, Jan Paweł II, papież (1929-2005), materiały archiwalne}, }