@misc{Senko_Tatiana_Analiza, author={Senko, Tatiana}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={In this article, the author presents views on a father's and a mother's role in a family and describes a "mother-son", a "father-son" relation. There were given the characteristics of the contemporary image of the parent with a son in the context of family contacts. The main research problems were: analyze the correlation between personality parents, personality and behavior of children.}, abstract={Diagnostic survey, questionnaire, interview and the author's own method for diagnosing personal behaviours were used in the research. The statistical analysis of the empirical data used for standard statistical procedures. The research results show that there exists mutual relationship between the behavior of parents personality, personality and behavior of their children.}, title={Analiza porównawcza zachowań osobowościowych w relacjach "matka-syn" i "ojciec-syn" = Comparative analysis of personality behavior in the "mother-son" and "father-son" relations}, type={artykuł}, keywords={matka, ojciec, syn, relacje rodziców z synami, formy zachowań osobowościowych, mother, father, son, relations between mother and son, father and son, forms of personal behaviours}, }