@misc{Wojciechowska_Ludwika_Przyjaźń, author={Wojciechowska, Ludwika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={This article presents the results of research on the role of friendship in the experience of well-being for adolescents. It was assumed that with a friend can easily run adaptation of adolescent to internal changes, and to social expectations, which in turn will allow them to achieve a sense of accomplishment, self-acceptance and satisfaction with life. We put the question of whether there is a link between the experience of friendship and mental well-being of adolescents.}, abstract={It was expected that such a positive relationship concerns the well-being of personality, social and emotional. Examined 112 students aged 15-18 years, including 71 girls and 37 boys (4 persons did not indicate their gender), using two tools: Questionnaire for the Study of Social Relations and Questionnaire for the Study Mental Well-being of adolescents.}, abstract={It turned out that there is a positive relationship between the experience of friendship and personality and social well-being, which confirmed the hypothesis but it has not been confirmed hypothesis in relation to the emotional well-being, where such a link has not been established.}, title={Przyjaźń a subiektywny dobrostan psychiczny adolescentów = Friendship and subjective well-being of adolescents}, type={artykuł}, keywords={przyjaźń, adolescencja, dobrostan psychiczny, friendship, adolescence, subjective well-being}, }