@misc{Kolańska_Magdalena_Obraz, author={Kolańska, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={Body image is an important element of human self-assessment, which may affect the actions taken by him. Awareness of functioning and image their own body seems to play a significant role for the people doing the work, among other things as a sportsman, television presenter and actor. Sportsmen treat their bodies more in a category work tools with which to achieve sports results, which is their main target. The actors use their body as a of communication, emotions, desires on the stage.}, abstract={The study of 80 people (40 actors and 40 sportsmen) of both sexes. Analysis of the results made it possible to show significant differences in the evaluation body image and self-efficacy in women of both professions. In addition, indicated in the the correlation between the individual components of body image and self-efficacy.}, title={Obraz ciała a przekonanie o własnej skuteczności u sportowców i aktorów teatralnych = Body image and self-efficacy in sportsmen and theatre actors}, type={artykuł}, keywords={obraz ciała, przekonanie o własnej skuteczności, sport, aktor, body image, self-efficacy, actor}, }