@misc{Rongińska_Tatiana_Poczucie, author={Rongińska, Tatiana and Vodopyanova, Natalia E.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The aim of the paper is to analyze the phenomenon of psychological alienation (estrangement) in professional environment. The sources of psychological knowledge in the field of alienation are presented, and the complex nature of the phenomenon as well as its main components are shown. The manifestations of alienation feeling are represented in the context of professional burnout syndrome development.}, abstract={Special attention is paid to the growing distance, estrangement and the experience of activity meaninglessness which appear at the last burnout syndrome development stages. Some preventive measures aimed to reduce the level of alienation in professional environment and resist the development of existential void are offered.}, title={Poczucie alienacji w zespole wypalenia zawodowego = Alienation in the context of professional burnout}, type={artykuł}, keywords={syndrom wypalenia zawodowego, poczucie alienacji w pracy, przeżywanie sensu i subiektywnego znaczenia pracy, poczucie sensowności, pustka egzystencjalna, wyobcowanie, professional burnout syndrome, the feeling of alienation in professional environment, the experience of activity meaning and subjective significance, the feeling of activity meaning loss, existential void, isolation}, }