@misc{Stępień_Sebastian_The, author={Stępień, Sebastian and Polcyn, Jan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of publication was to recognize the characteristics and morphology of today`s hog cycle. The hypothesis was that known in the economy since the second half of the nineteenth century hog cycle is also a typical phenomenon in the contemporary economy. It is also claimed that cyclical supply changes of pig meat are not synchronized between countries. Fluctuations in production are country-specific and are influenced by local conditions.}, abstract={While in the case of pork prices there is a characteristic broad convergence of cycle between countries. Development of world trade exchange and economic integration of groups of countries lead to uniformity of cyclical changes in prices. The study included the world economy and eight selected countries with the largest share in the global production and/or foreign trade. The time range of empirical analysis (analyzing fluctuations in supply and prices) concerned the period 1991-2012.}, title={The phenomenon of cyclical fluctuations on the pork market - global perspective = Fenomen wahań cyklicznych na rynku żywca wieprzowego - perspektywa globalna}, type={artykuł}, keywords={gospodarka współczesna, fluktuacja produkcji, analiza empiryczna, rynek żywca wieprzowego, wahania cykliczne, ceny, podaż, skala globalna, contemporary economy, fluctuation in production, empirical analysis, pork meat market, cyclical fluctuations, supply, prices, global perspective}, }