@misc{Grego-Planer_Dorota_The, author={Grego-Planer, Dorota and Glabiszewski, Waldemar}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={Globalization and internationalization of the economy compelled the implementation of innovative solutions in companies. Only those organizations that regularly implement innovations have a chance to achieve significant market positions and survive in a competitive environment. The exemplification of such highly innovative companies are H. Simon's hidden champions.}, abstract={In this publication, there was an attempt made to assess the activity of Polish innovative hidden champions. The results obtained confirm that this specific group of companies places a strong emphasis on innovation. This is evidenced by even such aspects as the number of new innovations, very high amounts spent on R&D or continuous observation of the market in order to discover new needs.}, title={The role of innovation in the business activity of hidden leaders of the Polish economy = Rola innowacji w działalności ukrytych liderów polskiej gospodarki}, type={artykuł}, keywords={innowacje, lider gospodarki, badania, rozwój, tajemniczy mistrzowie, innovation, leaders of economy, researches, development, hidden champions}, }