@misc{Glabiszewski_Waldemar_Abilities, author={Glabiszewski, Waldemar and Grego-Planer, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The article of empirical nature is an attempt to evaluate the influence of the abilities to exploit newly acquired technologies possessed by finance companies operating in Poland on the competitive advantages they gain.}, abstract={The findings obtained confirm the existence of such influence, although its force seems rather moderate. A stronger influence was noted in relation to the jointly analyzed individual components, as well as the one related to general organization, which constitute the exploitation abilities, as well as in relation to three basic specialized assets within this type of abilities.}, title={Abilities to exploit newly-acquired technologies as a source of competitive advantage of finance companies in Poland = Zdolności do eksploatowania nowo pozyskiwanych technologii jako źródło przewagi konkurencyjnej przedsiębiorstw finansowych w Polsce}, type={artykuł}, keywords={przedsiębiorstwa finansowe, potencjał absorpcyjny, transfer technologii, przewaga konkurencyjna, zdolności, finance companies, absorptive capacity, technology transfer, competitive advantage, abilities}, }