@misc{Herberger_Jerzy_Relacje, author={Herberger, Jerzy and Kozłowska, Monika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The article is a review based on the analyses of chosen theories of psychological development (mainly postpsychoanalytic and life span psychology). Its primary purpose is to introduce a deeper understanding of how the course of life can influence the functioning of an individual in interpersonal connections. It is mainly addressed to sociologists and educators (teachers).}, abstract={The authors focus on the early infancy and adolescence, as examples of the emergence of conditions manifesting in the shaping of a proper or disturbed identity. The authors describe both the so-called developmental disorders and psychological conditions of undisturbed development.}, title={Relacje interpersonalne z perspektywy psychologii rozwoju człowieka = Interpersonal relations from the point of view of developmental psychology}, type={artykuł}, keywords={relacje, związki międzyludzkie, rozwój, relations, interpersonal connections, development}, }