@misc{Bazuń_Dorota_Czynniki, author={Bazuń, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The text concerns the forced deportation of Polish women and their families into the USSR during the Second World War. Strategies of surviving the traumatic situation of exile were the subject of the analysis. It was attempted to determine the role of diverse resources: material, social, cultural and symbolic ones during exile.}, abstract={The empirical material is from: a) 53 questionnaire interviews and 10 in-depth interviews conducted among inhabitants of Lubuskie region who were former deportees; b) unpublished memories archived in the collections of the Polish Ethnological Society in Wroclaw; c) published autobiographical memories of exile.}, abstract={There were two theoretical basis used in the text: P. Sztompka's conception of trauma and the concept of capitals of P. Bourdieu.}, title={Czynniki przetrwania na zesłaniu - na przykładzie matek Sybiraczek = Factors for survival in exile - case of mothers deported to Siberia}, type={artykuł}, keywords={deportacje przymusowe, trauma, II (druga) wojna światowa, kobiety, kapitały, forced deportations, world war II, women, capitals}, }