@misc{Jatczak_Paulina_"Ja", author={Jatczak, Paulina and Pietrzak, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The material basis of the sketch is a modified record of Advent retreats named "Honeycomb" delivered by a popular Dominican preacher Adam Szustak in 2014. The analysis was carried out in two ways.}, abstract={Authors studied linguistic manners of an addresser presence (a retreat preacher's "I" and "we") and defined semantic roles of the addresser (a spiritual guide, a Bible expert and interpreter but especially a cinema expert, a member of an order and family communities; furthermore his presence was also noticed thanks to confessions on personal relationships with God).}, abstract={The research allowed answering a question about privacy exposure in addresser's manifestation ? if and how it is present in the text. It has been demonstrated that both confessions on private God?s experiences and details of personal life seem to be a reasonable mean creating bonds with a reader-exercitant and increasing an effectiveness of the preaching.}, title={"Ja" rekolekcjonisty w książce Adama Szustaka OP pod tytułem "Plaster miodu" = A retreat preacher's "I" in a book entitled "Honeycomb" ["Plaster miodu"] by Adam Szustak O.P. [Ordo Praedicatorum]}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Szustak, Adam (1978- ), rekolekcje, świadectwo, nadawca, retreats, testimony, addresser}, }