@misc{Kokoszka_Magdalena_Leśmianowska, author={Kokoszka, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={It seems that Bolesław Leśmian could anticipate the contemporary critical reflection on disability (disability studies). According to Tymoteusz Karpowicz, the poetry of the author of "The Beggar's Ballad" ["Ballada dziadowska"] can be read, among other things, as a defence of being what you are and not necessarily what you want to be. This thesis is intended to serve as a starting point to look more closely at some of Leśmian's characters as well as his concept of the community, which was marked by imperfections.}, abstract={Following Leśmian, I am interested in the infirmity as an essential part of life manifested in fragile and frail forms. In this context, I also describe the borderline of ridiculousness and tragedy explored by the poet. This article draws primarily on two parodies: "The Beggar's Ballad" ["Ballada dziadowska"] by Bolesław Leśmian (entering into dialogue with "The Water Nymph of Świteź" ["Świtezianka"] by Adam Mickiewicz) and "The Linden Tree" ["Lipa"] by Artur Maria Swinarski, referring to the mentioned Leśmian's ballad, but also to the main themes of his work.}, title={Leśmianowska ballada o niedoskonałości = Leśmian's ballad on imperfection}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Leśmian, Bolesław (1877-1937), Swinarski, Artur Maria (1900-1965), "Ballada dziadowska", wspólnota, niepełnosprawność, "The Beggar's Ballad", community, disability}, }