@misc{Seul_Anastazja_(1961-_)_Literatura, author={Seul, Anastazja (1961- )}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The author of an article` Literature of an old polish period in statements of John Paul 2nd during hispilgrimages to Poland` shows that Pope refers to those authors and literature masterpieces whichformed the spirit of a Polish nation and helped Poles to survive and keep a national identity inmost difficult stages of their history.}, abstract={Pope`s references to the literature unite religious and patrioticelements and prove that John Paul 2nd unites faith issues and Christian morality with politics aspolitics are for Christians a concern for a common society wellness. Pope recalls those literaturemasterpieces which have contained an axiological message for centuries in Polish and Christianculture. The literature references improve a stylistic value of statements, strengthen its persuadingforce. They carry values and are a sign of the unity of John Paul 2nd with his compatriots.}, title={Literatura doby staropolskiej w wypowiedziach Jana Pawła II wygłoszonych podczas pielgrzymek do Polski = The literature of an old polish period in statements of John Paul 2nd during his pilgrimages to Poland}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Jan Paweł II, papież (1929-2005), mowy i homilie, literatura polska - historia - 10-16 w.}, }