@misc{Tichoniuk-Wawrowicz_Ewa_"To, author={Tichoniuk-Wawrowicz, Ewa}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Greek history is a bloody amalgam. On the one hand it is the cradle of many rich ancient cultures,on the other it is a string of massacres. Between 1967 and 1974 Greece faced a series of right-wingmilitary juntas led by a group of colonels, which caused dissent and resistance from the democraticelements of the Greek society.}, abstract={The first armed action against the Regime of the Colonels was a failedassassination attempt against dictator George Papadopoulos by Alexandros Panagoulis on 13 August1968. Captured, heavily tortured, he was saved from execution through the intervention of worldleaders. He endured five years of imprisonment and harassment before regaining his freedom andresuming his war against corrupt government.}, abstract={After the restoration of democracy he was elected tothe Greek parliament as a member of the Center Union (E. K.). Panagoulis died in 1976 in a roadaccident, under controversial circumstances. His life and death were an inspiration for a novel "A Man" ("Un uomo") written by Oriana Fallaci, Panagoulis? life partner. The book became a literary tribute to an implacable Greek freedom fighter.}, title={"To szaleńcy tworzą historię". Aleksandros Panagulis w twórczości Oriany Fallaci = "It`s the crazies who make history". Alexandros Panagulis in the works of Oriana Fallaci}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Fallaci, Oriana (1929-2006), Panagulis, Aleksandros (grecki polityk; 1939-1976), literatura włoska, biografie, 20 w.}, }