@misc{Malinowski_Wiesław_Mateusz_Eugeniusz, author={Malinowski, Wiesław Mateusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The chapter presents basic facts from the life and a short overview of literary work of the 19thcentury French writer Eug?ne Sue - one of the most widely read authors in his own time, thoughtoday mostly forgotten. Seven chronologically ordered sequences show the evolution of the writerfrom the stance of a dandy, the son of a wealthy burgher of Paris, to the status of a socialist writer,depicting in his "romans-feuilletons" - popular novels published in episodes - terrible living conditionsof the people of Paris}, abstract={For a wide array of readers Eug?ne Sue is remembered today, first andforemost, as the author of "The Mysteries of Paris", the novel in which the myth of Paris - a large cityseen from the position of an underclass - is interwoven with the myth of a "superman", a judgeand an avenger, a benefactor and a reformer in one person, who places himself above the law. Thesocial and humanitarian message of the work fits into the narrative structures characteristic formass literature.}, title={Eugeniusz Sue: "dandys, ale socjalista". Szkic biograficzno-literacki = Eugene Sue: "a dandy, yet a socialist". A biographical and literary sketch}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Sue, Eugene (pseud.), Sue, Marie-Joseph (1804-1857), pisarze francuscy, literatura francuska - historia - 19 w., biografie}, }