@misc{Lewandowska_Anna_Green, author={Lewandowska, Anna and Witczak, Joanna and Kurczewski, Przemysław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={A transition for a green, circular economy has encouraged companies to use new tools which boost sustainability. The purpose of this article is to discuss the consideration of life cycle thinking in green marketing as realized by companies. This theoretical-conceptual study aims to analyze life cycle assessment (LCA) as a useful tool for assessing green marketing goals.}, abstract={We also intend to highlight the importance of creating consumer trust for green business by displaying the green credentials of the products and activities. The article presents t he virtues and shortcomings of the LCA results relative to marketing management. As a result, the literature presents some gaps in terms of addressing life cycle thinking in marketing management and linking with consumer participation and trust.}, title={Green marketing today - a mix of trust, consumer participation and life cycle thinking = Green marketing dzisiaj - połączenie zaufania, zaangażowania konsumenta i myślenia kategoriami cyklu życia}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zielony marketing, komunikacja środowiskowa, LCA, środowiskowa ocena cyklu życia, green marketing, environmental communication, life cycle assessment (LCA)}, }