@misc{Glinkowska_Beata_Ukrainian, author={Glinkowska, Beata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of the article is an attempt to find an answer to the question about the state of Ukrainian FDI in Poland: showing the state, support, government incentives, motives, barriers and investor sentiment. It was possible to reach the target primarily thanks to a thorough analysis of documentation from the websites of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and interviews with representatives of institutions or their employees.}, abstract={The article consists of three main parts: the first is the administrative activity for the development of Ukraine`s cooperation with Poland and the existence of "incentives" for FDI from Ukraine; the second part analysed data on Ukrainian FDI in Poland and Ukrainian FDI in total and approximated the state of commodity exchange of Ukrainian companies with Poland as a basis for economic contacts (which may develop into strategic alliances, joint ventures or FDI); the third part presents the results of empirical research on investor sentiment, motives and barriers in this process.}, title={Ukrainian companies in Poland - conditions and structure of foreign direct investment = Bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne ukraińskich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce - uwarunkowania i struktura}, type={artykuł}, keywords={internacjonalizacja, bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne, BIZ, Ukraina, Polska, internationalization, foreign direct investment, FDI, Ukraine, Poland}, }