@misc{Staszczuk_Anna_Comparative, author={Staszczuk, Anna and Kuczyński, Tadeusz and Wojciech, Magdalena and Ziembicki, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper provides verification of 3D transient ground-coupled model to calculation of heat exchange between ground and typical one-storey, passive residential building. The model was performed with computer software WUFI?plus and carried out to estimate the indoor air temperatures during extending hot weather periods.}, abstract={For verifying the results of calculations performed by the WUFI?plus software, the most recent version of EnergyPlus software version was used. Comparison analysis of calculation results obtained with the two above mentioned calculation method was made for two scenarios of slab on ground constructions: without thermal insulation and with thermal insulation under the whole slab area. Comprehensive statistical analysis was done including time series analysis and descriptive statistics parameters.}, title={Comparative calculation of heat exchange with the ground in residential building including periodes of heat waves = Weryfikacja niestacjonarnego modelu do obliczeń temperatury w jednorodzinnych budynkach mieszkalnych podczas fal upałów}, type={artykuł}, keywords={niestacjonarna wymiana, model do obliczeń, wymiana ciepła z gruntem, fale upałów, szeregi czasowe, transient calculation model, ground heat storage, heat waves, time series}, }