@misc{Zawadzki_Pawel_Eutrophica, author={Zawadzki, Pawel and Murat-Błażejewska, Sadżide and Błażejewski, Ryszard}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper presents history and recent review of investigations on ecological status of the Strzeszyńskie Lake, located within borders of town Poznań. The lake is a popular rest place, also for bathing and angling, therefore its state concerns many institutions and inhabitants. Recently, a deterioration of its ecological state has been observed due to pollution from a tributary catchment (Row Złotnicki), lake?s direct catchment, precipitation and fallen leaves. Phosphorus balance for an average year was estimated. A review of applied remedies was provided but an assessment of their effectiveness was unfeasible due to simultaneity and relatively short duration of their application.}, title={Eutrophica of The Strzeszyńskie Lake: sources, consequence and remedies = Eutrofizacja Jeziora Strzeszyńskiego: źródła, konsekwencje i środki zaradcze}, type={artykuł}, keywords={eutrofizacja, bilans fosforu, zanieczyszczenia obszarowe, eutrophication, phosphorus balance, diffuse pollution}, }