@misc{Jachimiuk_Justyna_Revitalization, author={Jachimiuk, Justyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Model actions undertaken in HafenCity and Wilhelmsburg during IBA Hamburg 2006-13 as well as energy transformation of Danish island of Samso towards self-sufficiency are examples of the use of energy as one of the key factors in the design of revitalization process in various scales. An important issue is to determine the impact of renewable energy systems on design process, architecture and urbanism of revitalized structures.}, abstract={Article examines the programs and projects related to the processes: renewal of degraded inner-industrial areas (brownfields), ecological restoration of degraded land, the revitalization of port and underdeveloped areas in the aspects of climate protection, the use of energy from renewable sources and improvement of technical conditions of building substance while maintaining the principles of sustainable development.}, title={Revitalization of energy supply systems in the scale of a town, a district and an Island = Energetyczna rewitalizacja w skali miasta, dzielnicy i wyspy}, type={artykuł}, keywords={rewitalizacja, tereny zdegradowane, nabrzeża, IBA, OZE, efektywność energetyczna, Energiewende, energetyka prosumencka, energy regeneration, brownfields, waterfronts, RES, energy efficiency, energy transformation, prosumer energy generation}, }