@misc{Lipnicki_Zygmunt_Temperature, author={Lipnicki, Zygmunt and Lechów, Hanna and Pantoł, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={An analytical solution to the equation for cooling of a unit, in the interior of which heat is generated, is presented. For that reason, a simplified non non-stationary model for determination of the temperature distribution within the unit, temperature of the contact between unit and a liquid layer, and the evaporating layer thickness in the function of time, is elaborated.}, abstract={A theoretical analysis of the external cooling of the unit, by considering the phenomenon of the liquid evaporation with the use of the Fourier and Poisson?s equations, is given. Both, stationary - and non-stationary description of the cooling are shown. The obtained results of simulation seems to be useful in designing the similar cooling systems. A calculation mode for a cooling systems equipped with the compressor heat pump, as an effective cooling method, is also performed.}, title={Temperature profiles in a micro-processor cooled by direct refrigerant evaporation = Analityczne rozwiązanie rozkładu temperatury wewnątrz mikroprocesora chłodzonego parującym czynnikiem chłodniczym}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wewnętrzne źródła ciepła, czynnik chłodniczy, ciecz chłodząca, grubość warstwy, odparowywanie, internal heat source, cooling, processor, vaprocompressor cycle, evaporation}, }