@misc{Jarząbek_Wanda_Z, author={Jarząbek, Wanda}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This paper's purpose is to show the changing attitude of the Polish authorities towards German Federal Republic over the period of 1956-1981: Warsaw's expectations concerning the establishment of diplomatic relations and their normalisation. Besides, this paper discusses the factors limiting the possibility of reaching agreements satisfying for both sides.}, abstract={The changes in the relations reflected the changes in the international politics, especially in the West-East relations. After World War II, the Polish-West German relations were marked not only by the war experience but also by the two states' opposed social-political systems and their membership of mutually hostile military pacts.}, abstract={The lack of diplomatic relations and the suspension of contacts in the late 1940s and early 1950s to a great extent stemmed from the cold war at its severest. With 1955 came the thaw. Even after 1958- when a chili set in - the relations were never again icy. The improvement in the international relations, especially the period of 1969-1978, turned out to be the most fruitful time for the Polish-West German relations.}, abstract={After 1980, however, they fell victim to, perhaps, not so much the events in Poland, but rather the changes in the international political climate. Besides discussing the political relations, this paper shows the effect of t he political atmosphere on t he social contacts.}, title={Z zimną wojną w tle. Polska wobec stosunków dwustronnych z RFN w latach 1956-1981 = Against the cold-war backdrop: Polish relationships with West Germany over the period of 1956-1981}, type={artykuł}, keywords={stosunki polsko-niemieckie, Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa, Niemiecka Republika Federalna, historia - 1945-1989}, }