@misc{Gruntkowska_Dominika_Funkcje, author={Gruntkowska, Dominika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={This article discusses the character of the devil and his functions in Włodzimierz Wolski?s poems: "Ojciec Hilary, Halka, Połośka", and a libretto "Halka", which could be classified into the so-called "folk series". The issue of the relation between supernatural power and characters in the face of a class-based conflict was disscused in the article.}, abstract={The main emphasis was put on the evolution of the writer?s views in the matter of peasantry in the "folk series". Another issue of interest was the connection of class-based conflicts against the simultaneous necessity of national liberation struggle.}, title={Funkcje postaci diabła wobec klas podporządkowanych. O "Ojcu Hilarym, Halce i Połośce" Włodzimierza Wolskiego = Functions of the devil in relation to subordinate classes. About "Father Hilary, Halka and Połośka" by Włodzimierz Wolski}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Wolski, Włodzimierz (1824-1882), romantyzm, diabeł, chłopi, walka niepodległościowa, Cyganeria Warszawska, romanticism, devil, peasantry, independence fight, Warsaw's Bohemia}, }