@misc{Sikora_Ireneusz_(1952-2016)_"Naprzód, author={Sikora, Ireneusz (1952-2016)}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The synthetic study brings effects of Eliza Orzeszkowa's letters thorough analysis (gathered and published by Edward Jankowski in nine volumes), which contained information on her reading experiences. As it appears, she read a lot and of course she was familiar with many old Polish and Enlightenment literary masterpieces. Her correspondences have become a durable proof of her reading passion. Orzeszkowa held in her hands texts written by Biernat of Lublin.}, abstract={Her own words document that she knew the achievements of Mikołaj Rej and highly appreciated rhymes by Jan Kochanowski, which were often cited and paraphrased in various Orzeszkowa's statements. She also studied texts by Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski and Piotr Skarga. Her respect for humanistic ideas (tolerance, equality, freedom) is revealed thanks to the notes on Łukasz Górnicki?s books - a historiographic one, and a translation of the famous Italian "Il Cortegiano" (Baldassare Castiglione).}, abstract={Orzeszkowa was much less interested in the 17th century output, she only noted Torquato Tasso's "Jerusalem delivered" in the translation prepared by Piotr Kochanowski and the writings by Sebastian Klonowicz, Szymon Szymonowicz, Józef Bartłomiej Zimorowic, Krzysztof Opaliński. The times of late Baroque and Enlightenment are represented by Elżbieta Drużbacka's texts in Orzeszkowa's letters. Many refer?ences may be found on masterpieces by Ignacy Krasicki or works by Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz and Tomasz Kajetan Węgierski. The authoress of "Nad Niemnem" ["On the Niemen River"] esteemed Hugo Kołłątaj for his contribution in Educational Committee [Komisja Edukacyjna].}, abstract={The sketch presents also the frequency values of numerous mentions and allusions in the epistolographic reflections by Eliza Orzeszkowa that refer to those pieces of literature which were created during the independent Poland period before partitions. It seems to be another important contribution by Ireneusz Sikora to our knowledge of the writer's erudition. The analysis may be considered another attempt of detailed research concentrated on Polish literature reception.}, title={"Naprzód przyszedł Mikołaj Rej". O literaturze niepodległej Polski w epistolograficznej refleksji Elizy Orzeszkowej = "Mikołaj Rej has come first". On literature of independent Poland in epistolographic reflections by Eliza Orzeszkowa}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Orzeszkowa, Eliza (1841-1910), epistolografia, recepcja, literatura polska - do 1795 r., epistolography, reception, Polish literature (up to 1795)}, }