@misc{Zbyrowski_Zygmunt_Gruzja, author={Zbyrowski, Zygmunt}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Pasternak stayed in Georgia upon several occasions, the longest visit being three months in 1931. There, he made the acquaintance of and befriended a number of outstanding Georgian poets. A direct contact with the nature, culture and inhabitants of Georgia as well as Georgian sympathy and kindness exerted an impact upon his emotions and oeuvre.}, abstract={Georgian motifs dominate in the poetic cycles from the 1930s "Waves, Artist and Travel Notes", published in the collection: "Second Birth". Pasternak also described his Georgian impressions and experiences in "An Essay" in his "Autobiography". He expressed his ratitude by translating Georgian poetry, both classical and contemporary, predominantly poems by his friends, subsequently issued in several collections. Presumably, his relations with Georgia and contributions to propagating its culture protected the poet from serious repercussions - it was believed that Pasternak enjoyed the approval of Stalin.}, title={Gruzja - "druga ojczyzna" Borysa Pasternaka = Georgia - "The Second Homeland" of Boris Pasternak}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Pasternak, Borys Leonidowicz (rosyjski poeta i prozaik; 1890-1960), Gruzja a Rosja - kultura, literatura rosyjska, literatura - tematyka, 20 w.}, }