@misc{Bielniak_Nel_Zachodnioeuropejskie, author={Bielniak, Nel}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In 1912 Aleksander Kuprin travelled abroad in order to improve his health condition. The travels resulted in creating both epistolary materials and a series of sketches, "Azure Coast" (1913), which are characteristic because of their ambivalence.}, abstract={The writer, from the angle of his own experience, shows a new, unknown and by far different reality from his own. Most of his work is dedicated to French and Italian customs. Many of the events that he witnesses make him feel disappointed. He is disenchanted particularly with the commercial character of the famous French Riviera.}, abstract={Nevertheless, some of the elements of Western European culture are worth remembering: coastal cities, simple and hospitable people, good food, unusual architecture, interesting customs and exceptional views. It is impossible to forget that the several-month travel in a different than home-like reality unveils to the writer certain Russian deficiencies. Abroad, Kuprin sees clearly the native backwardness, unnecessary humbleness of ordinary people and the coarseness and unreliability of government representatives.}, title={Zachodnioeuropejskie impresje w cyklu szkiców Aleksandra Kuprina "Lazurowe wybrzeża" = Western European impressions in a series of Aleksander Kuprin's sketches "Azure Coast"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Kuprin, Aleksander Iwanowicz (pisarz rosyjski; 1870-1938), literatura rosyjska, literatura europejska - motywy, 20 w.}, }