@misc{Nogalski_Bogdan_Business, author={Nogalski, Bogdan and Niewiadomski, Przemysław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The fundamental objective of this research paper is to determine whether contemporary management is recognized traditionally, in the light of a strategy and the entailing methods of operation, adapted to the target recipients, based on knowledge and studies, strongly embedded in the market reality or perhaps more as a paradigm, in which the focal point is the architecture of business processes, which comprises a description of their conceptualization, the determination of individual and necessary stages of operations and the modelling of these process, i.e., a business model.}, abstract={Opinion reconnaissance requires - in the first place - to develop a catalogue of features clearly identifying a business model and a strategy. The theoretical and design layers will utilize a method of reconstructing and interpreting the source literature supported by a discussion among purposively selected experts. This will be reflected by a set of key identifiers, which quantify a strategy and a business model subject to further assessment by the representatives of agricultural machinery companies.}, abstract={On the empirical level, it is important to determine, which of the suggested dimensions truly capture the sense of the concept in terms of practical operations of the enterprises invited to the study. It seems that the complexity of the problems and the so far limited scientific recognition justify treatment of the mentioned issues as the subject matter of the research.}, title={Business model - an ephemeral trend or a claim of the future? the orientation of enterprises within the agricultural machinery sector = Model biznesu - efemeryczny trend czy postulat przyszłości? orientacja przedsiębiorstw sektora maszyn rolniczych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Zarządzanie strategiczne, model biznesowy, strategia, producent maszyn rolniczych, strategic management, business model, strategy, agricultural machinery manufacturer}, }