@misc{Popielska-Grzybowska_Joanna_Wątki, author={Popielska-Grzybowska, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The author of the paper shows what ancient Egyptian motifs Agatha Christie used in her detectivestories. Moreover, she explains what means of expression and plot devices the mistress of crime stories used to create the historical background of her novels. Agatha Christie mentions her fascination with the work of archaeologists in her autobiography. Her passion for archaeology was caused, most probably, by the fact that her second husband, Max Mallowan, was a worldwide known archaeologist, who conducted excavations in the Near East. Thus, in many of her novels there are references to ancient times and ancient monuments. Moreover, the plot of one of Christie's novels, "Murder in Mesopotamia", is set at the excavation site.}, abstract={This article focuses predominantly upon two detective stories actions of which take place in Egypt:"Death on the Nile" in the 20th century, and "Death Comes as the End" in ancient Thebes. The latter is most interesting from the perspective of an Egyptologist, because Christie, inspired by a discovery of an ancient papyrus, managed to portray in an extraordinary way the atmosphere of an ancient plot as well as the "reality" of the common life and customs in the country on the Nile thousands years B.C. The author of the paper discusses these motifs showing how close to the historical and archaeological truth they are.}, title={Wątki staroegipskie w powieściach Agathy Christie = Old egyptian motifs in Agatha Christie's fiction}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Christie, Agatha (1890-1976), powieść kryminalna, literatura angielska, 20 w.}, }