@misc{Wasilkiewicz_Kamil_O, author={Wasilkiewicz, Kamil}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In the 13th cenrury the representatives of the powerful Knights Templar reached Polish land. Since they had the protection of dukes and magnates, the Templars built numerous commanderies, at least the two of which were located on the historic Lubusz Land. The activity of the Templars in Leśnica and Chwarszczany is certain, what is proved by the retained sources and monastery buildings existing in these places till the present times.}, abstract={Some traces lead us to a trail of another residence which might have been erected near the Lubusz-Greater Poland border. This article presents the possible functioning of the lost Templar commandery in Sulęcin or Lagów.}, title={O istnieniu komandorii templariuszy w Sulęcinie i Łagowie = About the existence of templar commandery in Sulęcin and Łagów}, type={artykuł}, keywords={templariusze, Ziemia Lubuska - historia - 13 w., Sulęcin (woj. lubuskie), Łagów - historia}, }