@misc{Kowalczuk_Zdzisław_Adaptive, author={Kowalczuk, Zdzisław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={A new approach to the design of on-line discrete-time systems of identification of continuous-time systems is presented. The problem concerns digital signal processing suitable for generation of the regression vector in discrete-time recursive estimation of continuous-time process parameters based on a mixed, discrete-continuous regression model.}, abstract={The approach is related to discrete approximation of continuous-time systems, where a kind of matching to the input and output signals is taken into account. In particular, the normal integrating operator technique is utilised. Two methods of "tempering" the characteristics of discrete-time integrators are proposed. One method consists in the transformation of an original system of matched IIR filters into an equivalent system of FIR filters.}, abstract={The purpose of the other method is simplification of calculations by applying stabilised closed IIR forms of the integrating operators. Such matched-and-tempered normal integrating operators are referred to as the adjusted integrators. Experimental results, obtained in an analogue and digital simulation environment, of the application of the two methods to discrete-time parameter estimation of nonstationary continuous-time systems corrupted by different noise processes illustrate the usefulness of the approach.}, title={Adaptive discrete-time identification of continuous-time systems using adjusted integration}, type={artykuł}, keywords={sterowanie, sterowanie-teoria, sztuczna inteligencja, matematyka stosowana, informatyka}, }