@misc{Burczyk_Irena_Wybrane, author={Burczyk, Irena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Instytut Pedagogiki. Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The article discusses the use of voice expression in selected examples of music literature. The authoress opens with the phonic aspect of voice phenomena and its function of conveying an emotional message as well as artistic impressions. The beginnings of interest in the sound of the voice, and even experimentation, appear very early. The parameters characterizing voice phenomena, i.e. paralanguage - the non-lexical aspects of communication and vocal aspects of speech, are intensity, pitch, tone, speed, rhythm, intonation, fluency, pauses, accents, modulation, paralinguistic elements, i.e. the elements that build up the sound of voice.}, abstract={In the 20th century music, the search for sound qualities led to the exploitation of voice that went far beyond the boundaries of traditional singing. The search for new sounds, and thus new means of expression, concentrated the area of experimentation on voice phenomena through the use of new voice effects such as parlando, recitation, "Sprechgesang", laughter, shouting, coughing, panting, gasping, mumbling, gibberish, "sul fiato" or singing on a breath.}, abstract={Inspiration and expiration alone as acoustic phenomena, use of an unknown language, splitting words between choir voices making it difficult to understand the lyrics, use single syllables, consonants or vowels alone, echolalia, purring, whistling, bubbling, groaning, squeaking, puffing, singing falsetto.}, abstract={Sonoristic articulation achievements have been enriched with elements of sound speech instrumentation - alliterations, euphonies, where words have a purely sonic character devoid of semantics. The selected examples of 20th-century literature using voice phenomena are presented here: compositions by Ligeti, Berio, Nono, Stockhausen, Schönberg, Polish composers, such as Penderecki or Lutosławski, as well as examples of music literature for children.}, title={Wybrane przykłady wykorzystania zjawisk głosowych w literaturze muzycznej = Selected examples of applying voice phenomena in music literature}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={emisja głosu, zjawiska głosowe, foniczność, sonorystyka, literatura muzyczna - 20 w., voice emission, voice phenomena, phonics, sonorism, music literature of the 20th century}, }