@misc{Przybysz-Zaremba_Małgorzata_Kilka, author={Przybysz-Zaremba, Małgorzata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris Universitetas}, language={pol}, abstract={The text comprises of the analysis and considerations on human being's most important value, which is health. It presents the elementary explanations and definitions related to health as well as the descriptions of the health models most frequently undertaken in the academic literature discussions. A crucial completion of the conducted analyses are the factors dynamizing and disarraying human health.}, abstract={To cover this issue, what was used was the reference to pejorative-affirmative conditioning of children's health and development prepared for the World Health Organisation (WHO) and also the scheme of conditions elaborated by Polish researchers, so-called the Polish model. The whole of the elaboration is completed with the summary.}, title={Kilka refleksji i konstatacji wokół zdrowia. Przegląd wybranych modeli zdrowia oraz czynników dynamizujących i dezorganizujących zdrowie człowieka = Several considerations and ascertainments on health. Review of selected health models and factors dynamizing and disarraying human health}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={zdrowie, choroba, modele zdrowia, człowiek, czynniki dynamizujące i dezorganizujące zdrowie, health, illness, health models, human being, factors dynamizing and disarraying health}, }