@misc{Krajčovičová_Zdenka_Szum, author={Krajčovičová, Zdenka and Meluš, Vladimir and Zigo, Rastislav and Kašlíková, Katarina and Grabczak, Pavel}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris Universitetas}, language={eng}, abstract={Tinnitus is an example of comorbidity of unknown pathophysiology that significantly reduces subjective perception of quality of life. The incidence of the disability has an increasing trend. It is not surprising information, when we consider what the risk factors for tinnitus are: hearing loss, sound exposure, stress, anxiety, depression, ototoxic drugs, hypertension, and aging.}, abstract={Almost all of these risk factors belong to the exemplary cases of civilization noxes that are currently not realistic to be eliminated. Therapy therefore focuses on influencing the structures of the hearing aid and the neural network. Besides pharmacotherapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has a significant beneficial effect. Their application can substantially eliminate symptoms of tinnitus.}, title={Szum w uszach: znane schorzenie współwystępujące z nadal nieznaną etiologią = Known frequent comorbidity with still unknown etiology}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={tinnitus, hearing disorders, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, szum w uszach, zaburzenia słuchu, hiperbaryczna terapia tlenowa}, }