@misc{Nogaj_Anna_Antonina_Psychologiczne, author={Nogaj, Anna Antonina}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Kraków ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={The article focuses on the psychological competences of teachers-artists working with children, youth, as well as students of music schools and universities. Psychological competences are presented in the context of a wide range of didactic and specialist competences. Their possession and development is a factor conditioning the capability, efficiency, and correctness in executing an optimal teacher-student relation, and in the case of artistic education the master-student relation. The psychological competences of teachers-artists require transformations due to the student's developmental stage, as well as due to the individual needs and capabilities of students.}, abstract={The article presents a typology of music school students according to Maria Manturzewska supplemented with a contemporary image of children and youth. An extensive summary of the article consists in familiarizing the reader with the Regulation of the Minister of National Education concerning the principles of organizing and providing psychological and pedagogical assistance, which teachers-artists working in different types of music schools are obliged to carry out.}, title={Psychologiczne kompetencje nauczycieli w świetle wybranych trudności uczniów szkół muzycznych = Psychological competences of teachers in the light of selected students' difficulties music schools}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={nauczyciele, kompetencje, psychologia, pomoc, uczeń, rozwój, teacher, competencies, psychology, support, students, development}, }