@misc{Budzyła_Martyna_Ideologiczny, author={Budzyła, Martyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Regardless of whether it sticks to the original or differs from it, a film adaptation always stands as a testimony to the original literary text and its specific reading. The following analysis of film versions of selected works of literature shows that movies reflect the directors? characteristic ways of seeing the world as well as take account of different political conditions and the expectations of potential viewers.}, abstract={The adjustment of a movie to current political demands, the inclusion of scenes of violenceand vulgarisms, or the introduction of sex scenes - all those factors affect the reception of the adaptation. Ideological procedures are carried out by using both the method of shaping the screenplay (e.g. by avoiding "uncomfortable" scenes and adding "politically correct" sequences) as well as by cinematic techniques, e.g. camera movements, music, creation of characters and costumes.}, abstract={All of this serves the purpose of making an expected impression on the audience and provoking the audience to draw suitable, pre-determined conclusions. Film adaptations are also often created in line with models of popular, commercialized filming. Moreover, the way of understanding the works is culturallydetermined by the characteristics of the intended reader or viewer. The recipient is to see and hear what he is intended to. There is no place for one?s own presumptions, thoughts or reflections.}, title={Ideologiczny kontekst filmowych adaptacji dzieł literackich - "Dziadów" Adama Mickiewicza i "Ferdydurke" Witolda Gombrowicza = The ideological context of selected film adaptations of literary works - "Dziady" by Adam Mickiewicz and "Ferdydurke" by Witold Gombrowicz}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Mickiewicz, Adam (1798-1855). Dziady, Gombrowicz, Witold (1904-1969). Ferdydurke, adaptacja filmowa}, }