@misc{Blech_Roksana_Filmowe, author={Blech, Roksana}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In this article we want to demonstrate that Boleslaw Prus' prose is hardly translatable into the film medium, that it is a difficult task and a challenge for a director. The subject of our analysis is the 1966 film by Jerzy Kawalerowicz. I am convinced that his directing work: the use of colour and music,the set design and construction, as well as the reliable representation of the reality of ancient Egyptdeserve recognition.}, abstract={Some of the film images in "Pharaoh" might be even called "cinematographic pearls". However, the interpretation of Kawalerowicz evokes numerous objections and doubts. The director's vision, despite the "prima facie" fidelity, is an unfaithful adaptation, "next to" rather than based on "Pharaoh" by Prus.}, title={Filmowe kłopoty z Prusem. O "Faraonie" Jerzego Kawalerowicza = Film troubles with Prus - about "Pharaoh" by Jerzy Kawalerowicz}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Prus, Bolesław(1847-1912). Faraon, adaptacja filmowa}, }