@misc{Karczewska_Małgorzata_"This, author={Karczewska, Małgorzata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the paper is to present the world from the perspective of Tomasz Beksiński, music journalist and film translator, which was depicted in his feuilleton ?Fin de si?cle? written shortly prior to his suicidal death in 1999.}, abstract={In his text, Beksiński criticises the socio-cultural reality that sur?rounds him, observing the decline of old values, which causes his wistfulness, the feeling of alien?ation and deception as well as fear of the forthcoming new century and millennium. The text is try?ing to take a look at the reality described from the perspective of the twenty years which have passed since the day of the publication of the feuilleton and the death of its author.}, title={"This is the end, my only friend" Tomasza Beksińskiego wizja świata i (anty)wartości w felietonie "Fin de siecle" = "This is the end, my only friend" Tomasz Beksiński's vision of the world and (anti)values in the feuilleton "Fin de siecle"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Beksiński, Tomasz (1958-1999), felieton, Fin de siecle, intertekstualność, transtekstualność, feuilleton, intertextuality, transtextuality}, }