@misc{Baron_Marek_Wartości, author={Baron, Marek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In the introduction, I am introducing the silhouette of Fr. Stefan Wyszyński. I read the magazine "Ateneum Priest", in which in 1932-1939 Fr. Wyszyński served as editor-in-chief.I specify and justify the choice of research area. I set the basic purpose of the work, whichis to determine what social-moral values he was trying to, and which antidotes ks. StefanWyszyński stigmatized.}, abstract={I present an analysis of articles by Fr. Wyszyński on social-moral issues. They concern the impact of the press on the upbringing of the young generation, the value of the family, then the existing peasantry, and the negative impact of unemployment. The socio-moral values that appear in the context of the aforementioned topics are classified based on the typology of prof. Jadwigi Puzynina.}, abstract={In conclusion I summarize what social-moral values were taken by Fr. Stefan Wyszyński in his scientific work and I assess their validity in the context of contemporary trends.}, title={Wartości społeczno-moralne w czasopiśmie "Ateneum Kapłańskie" (na przykładzie artykułów ks. Stefana Wyszyńskiego z lat 1932-1939) = Socio-moral values in the journal "Ateneum Priest" (on the example of the articles of Fr Stefan Wyszynski from 1932-1939)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={wartości społeczno-moralne, wychowanie, młodzież, rodzina, warstwa chłopska, bezrobocie, socio-moral values, youth education, family, peasantry, unemployment}, }