@misc{Seul_Anastazja_(1961-_)_Świat, author={Seul, Anastazja (1961- )}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents forced on teachers and students system of values acceptable during first years of socialistic regime in Poland. The axiology of Marxism`s ideologists was entirely different form the one that formed Polish culture over the ages. This periodic intended to form teachers of Polish language many times presented articles on ideology that was to form Polish system of values such as: "socialistic worldview of life", "socialistic morality", war against the Church, friendship with CCCR and other socialist countries compared with hostility of capitalistic countries, to name a few.}, abstract={In pronouncements, that refer directly to literature, published in this particular periodic Marxism ideology is imposing its will on every interpretation of any literary composition - as "the only one" that presents any true value. This ideology is present within lessons on Polish grammar as well. In the concluding chapter the author presents differences between the science and the ideology and points out falsification of values in the literature when its interpretation becomes a subject of ideologization. Relying on personalistic vision of John Paul II and on "pre-eminence of the person over the subject" that he presents, the author reports the danger of ideologization that is present now in contemporary culture.}, title={Świat wartości w czasopiśmie "Polonistyka" w latach 1948-1956 = World of values in the periodic "Polish philology" years 1948-1956}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={"Polonistyka" - czasopismo, socjalistyczny system wartości, personalizm, marksizm, Jan Paweł II, papież (1929-2005), ideologia a nauka, socialistic system of values, personalism, Marxism, John Paul II, ideology vs science}, }