@misc{Kuczer_Jarosław_Rola, author={Kuczer, Jarosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In order to obtain the title of a baron, count or duke, the applicant called the supplicant was obliged to present his request and proper, "enough" justification for the application. The justification usually contained the detailed genealogical lineage but, above all, merits - both of the family and one`s own.}, abstract={They were called by the office motives ("Motiven") or merits ("Merita"). With regard to the role which they were supposed to play, they were considered as synonyms. For the emperor they were motives which he was guided while awarding the title. For a nobleman they were arguments, services or their registry due to which he was able to apply for the title.}, title={Rola "motywów"i "zasług" w procedurze prawnej uzyskania tytułu arystokratycznego na Śląsku w nowej polityce Habsburgów po 1629 r. = The role of motives and merits in the legal procedure of gaining the aristocratic title in Silesia in the new policy of the Habsburgs after 1629}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Śląsk - historia - 17 w., Habsburgowie - historia - 17 w., arystokracja}, }