@misc{Wyder_Grażyna_Wyklęta, author={Wyder, Grażyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The social movement which was developing in the beginning of the 20th century created a number of devoted activists who believed that it would be among others, a means to regain independence. This was happening in the land of annexed territory of Poland. Women were also engaged in the movement. The example of an activist who devoted her health and carcer to the new idea was Jadwiga Gulińska.}, abstract={Arrested for distributing agitational materiale in the Kingdom of Poland, convicted in Warsaw Citadel and finaily expelled from the borders of the Russian Empire, after a year spent in Berlin, she arrived in Poznań. Conservative and clerical environment of Greater Poland reacted to her attempts of spreading socialistic idea by social ostracism, boycott of her career and press smear campaign.Forced to leave Poznań, she returned in 1916, engaging not only herself but also her husband and daughter Zofia in action of releasing Piłsudski from the prison in Magdeburg. She took an active part in this time in independence rallies organised in Poznań. lndirectly, the rightness of her ideas confirmed the victorious Greater Poland Uprising.}, abstract={Having gone through a personal drama, death of her son at the front during the First Word War, in 1917 she left the active political and social life. She died 15th March 1939 in Poznań, and was earlier honoured with the Cross of Independence in 1937.}, title={Wyklęta anarchistka. Rzecz o socjalistce Jadwidze Gulińskiej w Poznaniu w początkach XX w. = The excommunicated anarchist - a word about a socialist Jadwiga Gulińska in Poznań in the early 20th century}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Gulińska, Jadwiga (1863-1939), socjalizm - aspekt społeczny, Wielkopolska - historia - 19 w., Wielkopolska - historia - 20 w.}, }