@misc{Kostka_Krzysztof_Cmentarz, author={Kostka, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This article focuses on war graves on the territory of Bolesławiec and particularly the war cernetery named after Kutuzov in Bolesławiec. There are graves of 7 soldiers of the Armoured Corps guard and 31st Infantry Division. The monument of M.l. Kutuzov is the centre of the complex under which the sarcophagus with intestines was originally fixed.}, abstract={In this article the stages of creation, modernisation and renovation of the object are presented. Furthermore, costs which were needed for maintenance of this cernetery and the meaning which it used to have are shown. Writing this article, I have studied mainly archival materials stored in the National Archive in Wrocław and the Department in Lubań, and also documents stored in the Museum of Pottery in Bolesławiec.}, title={Cmentarz wojenny Armii Radzieckiej im. Kutuzowa w Bolesławcu = War cemetery of the soviet army named after Kutuzov in Bolesławiec}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Armia Czerwona, cmentarze wojskowe, Bolesławiec}, }