@misc{Siwicki_Maciej_Procesy, author={Siwicki, Maciej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This article depicts the issue of attitude of the Polish society - citizens, power and conservator`sservice after the Second World War (from 1945 to the beginning of the 1990s) to residential buildingswhich were the part of German landed estate from 1945.}, abstract={Middle Odra Region was the land where in the majority of towns one could find palaces, castles and manor houses. They once were used as family residences, had impressive interiors but the socio-political reality after 1945 completely changed their original purpose, among others the buildings were changed to warehouses of the state-owned farms or workers` flats. These actions as it occurred, depleted the historic substance of the objects on a large scale, their historic nature or turned them into ruins completely.}, abstract={This work shows opinions of different environments, influence of human mentality, ideology on the perception of "difficult heritage" on the so called Regained Territories. The author presents examples of particular buildings from the land of Middle Odra Region and their various adaptation.}, title={Procesy dyskontynuacyjne wobec obiektów rezydencjonalnych na obszarze Środkowego Nadodrza w latach 1945-2000 = Discontinuous processes towards residential buildings on the area of the Middle Odra Region in the years 1945-2000}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Środkowe Nadodrze - historia - od 1944 r., zabytki architektury, ochrona konserwatorska, ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego}, }